Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The start of my travels

This is Hadassah.

This will be the first of many blogs that I will be writing this next year on my travels. I will be going to Florida, Indonesia, and Scotland. I hope you enjoy traveling with me :)

The beginning of my endeavors takes me to Florida. My dad and I will be flying a Scout up from Tampa Bay, FL for his hunting buddy, Smokey. The trip will take ten days and we will have flown 3500 miles by the end. I would have to say the highlight of our trip thus far would be going through security in Anchorage. My dad had a very interesting idea of taking a handful bullets through security. Needless to say, the security personnel did not see his humor in this situation. I don't think I'll be following his example as far as this event goes. The plane is boarding, getting ready to fly for another 17 hours. Signing out for now.

1 comment:

Kara said...

This so awesome! I hope your adventures around the world are wonderful. I can't wait to hear about them. Miss you!