Sunday, August 7, 2011

Biggest changes in my entire life

Today is Sunday. Next Saturday I am having a wedding with the lovely Andrew Hayes. I will officially become Mrs. Hadassah Silveira Hayes! It is incredibly exciting and thrilling and the most life changing experience of my life.
I have decided that after 3 years at UAF perusing a BA in Music Education I am going to quite school, get married, move to Scotland and follow God with all my heart. I do not know what this entails but I know it is what God has planned for me. I am not able to get a marriage visa at this moment so I am leaving next Tuesday at 4am to go into Scotland as a visitor until Christmas. Between now and then i will attempt to acquire a marriage visa so that the next time I attempt to enter the UK in January I will show my marriage visa to border control and be let in with lights, buzzers, confetti, and balloons (possibly minus the flare but you never know).

I have no idea what this new adventure looks like but I know I am doing what God wants me to do and I am going to be loving my husband for the rest of my life. I am so excited for what might happen and I plan to blog along the way to see what sort of adventure I get involved with and what God has gone before me to plan out.

Lets see what's God has planned for us!

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