Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today my mate Will and I decided to make a treck to Stirling to see the castle. We showed up at 9am to begin exploring. Only problem is that neither of us knew anything about stirling in we started walking! We saw a turret and assummed that it was the castle. After about 45 minutes of walking we finally arrived and found out that we had walked to the Wallace Monument :) We had a fantastic time going around the monument. We went up all 276 steps to the top where we could overlook Stirling. We also got to watch a guy dressed in period garb do a reinactment of William Wallace and the history behind it. It was quite incredible. We figured out where the castle actually was and started walking toward it. We realized after about a half hour of walking that we had been walking in the completly wrong direction so we had to turn around and backtrack and go a different direction to try and find the city center. Finally made it to the castle two hours later. It was quite incredible. We got to learn so much about the military and the history of Scotland. It was quite incredible. It was the first castle that I have ever been to so it was quite a novelty. We stayed until the castle closed and got to see Stirling at night from a seat on the castle wall. We caught the train back and crashed back home in our beds. It was exausting after hours and hours of walking but it was so amazing. I wish that my family and friends from Ak could have been there to see it with me. Whenever any of you want to come visit me I will definitely give you a tour!

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